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Macintosh Connectivity

Macintosh Application Environment 2.0

Apple Computer Corporation

Apple Computer's SoftMac allows a Sun(TM) workstation user to runMacintosh applications directly from his or her SPARCstation(TM). TheSoftMac product is an application that runs native on the Sun hostenvironment and can be launched in a manner consistent with that ofOpenLook. Upon launch, the SoftMac application presents a single windowto the user that contains within its boundaries a Macintosh desktop.This desktop allows the launching and manipulation of Macintoshapplications in a manner consistent with the Apple user interface andMacintosh "look-and-feel". The user will see a single X window completewith menu bar and application windows. Thus, people who need the powerof a Sun workstation will have access to a wealth of inexpensive, yetpowerful applications.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: 16 MB RAM 20 MB Available Hard Disk SPARC
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.3,2.4

Apple Computer Corporation
1 Infinite Loop MS 303-4MH
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone: (408) 974-4691
Fax: (408) 257-8046